I had the opportunity to report from behind the scenes at The Broad museum as the staff raced to get the place ready for its debut in September, 2015. The stories aired on The Frame on KPCC.
Jenn Doty photo courtesy of The Broad
The first story is about the actual transportation and installation of the artwork. How do you bring thousands of artworks -- some fragile, some enormous, all valuable -- to a new building? Will they fit in an elevator? Do you install iconic Warhols prints in a gallery the same way you hang a poster in a dorm room -- up a little on the left?
I did this piece without narration, just voices of museum staff and lots of ambient sound: trucks, footsteps, tape measures, hammering, etc. I was happy with how it turned out. (A version of this story aired on WNYC's arts show Studio 360.)
The second story is about the training of the Broad's Visitor Services Associates, an eclectic group of artists, actors, students, and retirees who serve as guards, ticket-takers, greeters and docents, all on the same day.
How do you enforce rules when you don't want them to sound like rules? What kind of shoes are best for an eternity standing in the galleries? What do you say to someone who wants to climb on a balloon dog sculpture worth $58 million?